Three Hook Flapping Rig (Flatfish Rig)


This rig is specifically designed to catch flatfish species such as plaice, flounder, dab and Dover sole (although it can also be used to successfully catch smaller round fish species which are found around the UK). This rig can be bought with either size 2 or size 1 Cronus Silver Aberdeen hooks, size 1 Cronus Flatfish hooks which have a turned-down eye, long shank and bronzed finish or slightly larger size 1/0 Cronus Silver Aberdeen hooks. These hooks are designed for good presentation of worm baits and the long shanks allow them to be easily removed from the small mouths of flatfish. Whichever hook pattern is chosen the presence of three hooks allows a strong scent trail to be built up with this rig. Beads and sequins have been added to each snood as this is proven to attract inquisitive flatfish species such as plaice and flounder.

SKU: RIG/M-6 Category:

Additional Details

Complete list of components:

  • Cronus size 3 (large) swivel x 1
  • Trace Builder size 6 (small) rolling swivel x 3
  • Cronus black rig crimps x 6
  • Cronus rig beads x 6
  • Assorted Cronus 6mm beads, 8mm beads and sequins
  • Size 2 Cronus Silver Aberdeen Hooks x 3 or size 1 Cronus Silver Aberdeen Hooks x 3 or size 1 Cronus Flatfish Hooks x 3 or size 1/0 Cronus Silver Aberdeen hooks x3
  • Cronus teardrop link x 1
  • Cronus 60lb rig body line (clear)
  • Gemini neoprene stop
  • Line Tech Classic 60lb rig body line (clear)
  • Sunset Amnesia 20lb snood line (clear)